Tuesday, 23 March 2010

In The Night Garden-An Alternative View

Here's something to make the mummies and daddies chuckle, it had me in stitches!!!

I just had to post this how many of you agree with whats being said??

''In the Night Garden sadly has the same modern day problems of many successful childrens TV programs:

Iggle Piggle is apparently homeless! Something I think he shares with Upsy Daisy. He has no bed at all at the end of the story and runs around with a security blanket in his paw! Hardly a good example to young children! And who was the irresponsible jerk that cut him loose in a small dinghy to start with!?

Upsy Daisy's bed follows her everywhere and frankly if talking to your bed to tell it to go away isnt neurotic then I dont know what is!

The pair of them obviously have a "thing" going as they are constantly snogging eachother in public, which Upsy Daisy seems to enjoy with a raise of one leg in the process!

Makka Pakka obviously has a serious case of Obssessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). He is analy retentive about Polishing and arranging stones in the garden for no apparent reason! The other characters only seem to encourage his behaviour! Crazy! He also seems to have walking disabilities with a wheeled walking frame everywhere he goes! Presumably this is because of his spinal curvature due to being morbidly obese for his size?

The tombliboos seem to be the sanest of the bunch. However even these 3 characters seem to have a trait of exhibitionsim as they remove their trousers in public and prance around!

The Wottingers and the Pontypines I am sure are having neighbourly feuds! They never seem to go out together and when they do the Pontypines have usually beaten them to it and had all the fun, frolics and food for the outing and are now packing up and going home again just as the neighbours arrive!

As for the kids - Adrenaline junkies, riding the Ninky Nonk on the roof whilst it traverses trees and other upright obstacles without a thought for its occupants! Never mind the fact that it looks like a death trap whilst its standing still!

This brings me to the Pinky Ponk. What on earth.....? This machine needs far better navigation apparatus and its interior seems to change size according to its occupants! Either that or it has strange morphing properties for whoever rides it!

As for the Haroos....the first thing that comes to mind is bouncy castles on drugs! Even Dillon from the Magic Roundabout would have trouble competing with these massive spaced out creatures!

But it does leave me wondering what mental health problems children may end up acquiring as a result of watching In the Night Garden!''
