Saturday, 9 January 2010

Will power is getting a kick up the arse!

Well i told you all in my last blog that i wanted to lose weight. Well since i wrote it i haven't exactly done anything to make sure it happens!

Until today, that all started when i was on twitter (saves the day) and a friend/twitter pal mentioned that in doing the Atkins type diet he had lost over a stone already!!
And its only the 9th!!

So i have really got involved and started asking some questions. And i'v come to the conclusion that I'm gonna give it a try.

I have never ever stuck to anything in my life! I want this to be the first thing i stick to. I have never had to lose weight before so its something really annoying for me to have to do(since having a baby made me fat) :(

I Have to probably go shopping and get some foods that are suitable for the diet, from what i gather this involves a hell of alot of eggs! *nose peg anyone* :p

I think most of you know what the Atkins is, if not, im going to refer you to the aforementioned blogger's page so you can read his explanation cos it really helped me make sense of it. He also referred me to the following site (second one down)

Now i face a particularly tough challenge. Being a mum of a 1 going on 2 year old means that, i just get involved in eating pure crap. Like when she has a biscuit she will always make sure mummy is eating something too :) *bless her*

I think i may have to think long and hard about how i will overcome this. Also when a normal person goes on a diet they tend to clear out all evils from their kitchen, whereas, i have to probably see the same sinful foods everyday :(

I certainly cant expect my husband and toddler to do the Atkins!!

So double willpower is required here i think!

Ill update in a week or so. Hopefully if what iv heard/read is true i will have lost half a stone by then!

My god i'm excited!!

Ill probably start On monday since i dont really have the right foods to do it right now.

Wish me luck

Tori x


Gobledigook said...
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Gobledigook said...

Good luck Tori, you can do this.