Tuesday 28 June 2011

Tuesday - why i love Tuesdays

For  those of you who dont know me, i am currently seperated from my husband (thank god). This seperation is obviously a permenant one - my decision.

Every Tuesday and Thursday (and every other Friday) i get i small oasis in the desert that is motherhood, yes these are MY days, the days where little angel pie goes to daddies house and causes mayhem over there.

I usually celebrate these days of heaven by going out for dinner (when iv got the cash) or sit and watch a film and have dinner (something i would consider a luxury considering the act of sitting is quite rare these days), all of course in the company of Mark, my equally mental boyfriend.

Now i love my daughter to bits, but sometimes i just want to NOT be running around like a headless chicken driving between nursery and the childminder, and then work and then the childminder again, a quick stop at tesco and then the park if my feet are not totally about to fall off.

Yes and there is always time for some imaginary tea and cake with george(!) the dolly and bunny, the bunny.

Yes being a mum is wonderful, and adventurous, and i love it.

But not as much as i love TUESDAYS (and Thursdays)


 My two specials <3